Join the HASS CAD/CAM Community on Facebook: Discover and Share Excellence
HASS, the innovators in CAD/CAM and pressing materials have created two Facebook groups for the global dental technician community to share ideas on HASS materials and protocols.
*Title image: Restoration of 12 to 22 using Amber Press MO1 by layering technique. Courtesy of Seungsub Lee, CDT.
In a time when movement may have slowed, these groups provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded HASS users and be inspired. Industry experts from around the globe come together to share best practice through webinars, videos and successful case photos.
Why not get involved by joining one, or both two groups to discover why HASS users are rapidly growing?
- Digital and CAD/CAM
- HASS LPZ & Pressing
“Amber Press is a fantastic new material offering the Dental laboratory superior aesthetics and predictability, whether it is used for Full Contour, or Cutback Techniques. We have been able to produce natural looking restorations, on numerous occasions, which our clinicians have been extremely satisfied with. Aesthetics, perfectibility and strength = Amber Press”.Keith Morgan, BSc (Hons) HND RDT. ToothWorx Dental Laboratory, Cardiff.
HASS Amberpress used by Keith Morgan @Toothworx Dental Laboratory
Discover the range of Amber materials from HASS
Economical and efficient in application, the Amber range of lithium disilicate ceramics is creating a demand among dental technicians and clinicians. Amber materials have excellent optical properties, a simple processing method and possess an impressive flexural strength.
The Amber family includes;
- blocks and blanks for milling (Amber Mill),
- ingots for pressing (Amber Press),
- ingots for pressing over zirconia frameworks (Amber LiSi POZ).