DB Lab Digest

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How Iconic Thermoforming Materials Make Protocols Simpler. Iconic Lux User Shae Chauhan Explains

Shae Chauhan is owner of 3D Orthodontics and in a lucky position to be so busy thanks to his reputation and the power of word of mouth. Here, he talks about his business, his thermoforming preferences; why having a film on Iconic products helps his working practice, and why he is switching to Iconic Lux.

Shae Chauhan at 3D Orthodontics

I set up on my own in 2004 and built my studio in 2008, after a short while renting bench space. I began life in the leather trade, yet many of those skills are transferrable, so here I am specialising in Orthodontic Appliances with a busy inbox full of Orthodontists. I have built a reputation on word of mouth alone, and am fortunate to be in this position where I do not need to advertise. 

From twin blocks and functional appliances, to whitening trays, mouthguards and aligners; I provide a variety of appliances. I can safely say that my aligners are not on a mass production line, every aligner is made with care and expertise by an experienced technician who cares about the client. I serve Orthodontists and part-time Orthodontists at their surgeries. Often, I will help out at the refinements stage, with those stubborn cases or with very minor cases. Us small independents care about our reputation and, we understand retention. I use Iconic because it has a new formula that creates a better, stronger retainer that's easier to keep clean.

"I can safely say that my aligners are not on a mass production line, every aligner is made with care and expertise by an experienced technician who cares about the client"

Why is leaving the film on beneficial for thermoforming?

I always thermoform with the films on, plus I have another product I use as a spacer. The films keep the material nice and clean. When blocking out undercuts, I use a putty. Normally when you add heat it melts, however using the film means it protects the model from getting covered in melted putty, and you don’t need to use more.

Why switch to Iconic Lux for thermoforming?

“Lux is definitely tougher. It lasts longer, and is more crack resistant than the brands I have used before.”

I often use Iconic Lux, Iconic Original or Iconic Alpha depending on the needs of the patient. I tried Lux, in the knowledge that I would need 6 months to see if the product is worth keeping, and luckily, it is. All successes so far. I like to try different things, if you get stuck in your ways you can get left behind so I gave it a go. Lux is definitely tougher. It lasts longer, and is more crack resistant than the brands I have used before. Also, Iconic Alpha is brilliant for bruxers. I use it for those who need a bomb-proof retainer.

The Future for 3D Orthodontics

I aim to continue providing a great service, and to build on digital technology, I am investing in a 3D printer, and will soon be looking to develop the digital side of things for the business.

DB Lab Supplies develop products for the dental industry

The DB Lab Supplies team thank Shae Chauhan from for his positive feedback on Iconic products. DB Lab Supplies are proud to support the dental industry by developing quality products including the Iconic thermoforming range. For more information on Iconic LUX, Iconic Original, Iconic Alpha, Iconic Semi Rigid Bleaching Trays and many more products from the Iconic Range, call the DB team on 01535 656 999, or email sales@dbortho.com.

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