Phil Chapman: Hats off to Dr. Christian Jessen and Britain’s Loudest Snorers
Dental Technician and MSi creator Phil Chapman applauds Dr. Christian Jessen's aims to improve public awareness of snoring and sleep apnoea.
For those, who like myself, are immediately drawn to anything connected with sleep disorder treatment, I have to take my hat off to Dr. Christian Jessen who recently presented Britain’s Loudest Snorers on Channel 5. Although predictable fast-paced with a somewhat simplistic over-view, I feel, any measure to improve public awareness of snoring and sleep apnoea treatment is definitely a good thing.
More education is needed
Unfortunately, there is a real need in the UK for this kind of intervention and education, as the subject of snoring is still treated as a joke by many. This is certainly not helped by a general feeling that there is nothing that can be done; probably due to historical associations with ineffective products, pseudo-science, and snake oil remedies. Dr. Jessen's involvement and support in this field should certainly be applauded and I look forward to the next series. A more in-depth analysis of approved treatment options, over a longer period of time.
Treat snoring and sleep apnoea
I designed the MSi: a slim, third-generation MAS. After years of supplying prescribed sleep disorder therapy splints and having them returned for additional adjustment, for minor/major repairs, or in bits, I couldn’t help feeling that these devices were often a false economy; poorly designed and far too delicate.
What does the MSi provide for patients and clinicians?
The MSi offers a range of additional, innovative features:
- Durability - Designed to withstand severe bruxism: three bar hook support; robust construction.
- Predictable first time fit - In most cases, even without a fully protruded bite, the 11mm of adjustment will compensate.
- Outstanding performance - Considerable amount of additional adjustment available; built to last; all parts individually replaceable; 2-year warranty.
- Hygiene - Simple to clean: all parts are accessible; gold-plated, anti-plaque surfaces.
- Comfort - Lateral/excursive movement provision; separable upper and lower whilst in the mouth; dry mouth compatible; low/slim profile; no cheek irritation from linkage arms; soft inner lining.
- Ease of use - The patient is able to adjust the MSi safely, to maximise performance and comfort.
- Uncomplicated design - Less production time; predictable quality.
- Dedicated bite register - Minimal returns and reworks.
Become a provider of the MSi
The MSi patented component parts are available from DB Lab Supplies. For more information on the benefits of becoming a provider of the MSi, call 01535 656 999, or email sales@dblabsupplies.com.
About Phil Chapman
Phil graduated in Industrial Design from Central St Martins in London and subsequently qualified as a Dental Technician. He founded and runs Labwise Dental in Sheffield. Phil specialises in providing simple solutions that solve complex issues and has designed, engineered and produced a diverse range of innovative products. These range from the large: modular playground equipment, to the small: cycling safety equipment, to the really small: the MSi Mandibular Advancement Device.